Max, Shannon & Porkchop

Shannon’s and Porkchop’s Chatter…

Did you hear something interesting, exciting or just plain WEIRD this morning while listening to Max, Shannon and Porkchop on KiiM-FM 99.5? If you did – and you wanted to learn more – you’ve found the right place! On this page, you’ll find some of the topics Max, Shannon and Chop touch on – enjoy!

Max’s God News story from Tues. 9/10….Here’s a link to one of our good news stories:…/ut-bully-shirt-sale-university-t…/

From Tues. 8/3…. 

People ask us ALL THE TIME, “How do I win the 7:10 Payoff Question???”…

From Thurs. 7/31….Heck yeah! National avocado day! Who wants free guac?…/2019-national-avocado-day-dea…

Good News story from Mon. 7/29… 

So here’s the amazing Amazon cake we told you about:

Chop’s Good News story from Tues. 7/16….34 TUSD schools offering free lunches.

Max’s Good News Story from Fri. 7/12…

Here’s the link to one of our Good News stories this morning Thurs. 7/11…


Here is Chop’s Good News story from today Monday July 8th…brother gives younger sister the foul ball he catches at Rays baseball game….

Chop’s Good News Story from Thurs. 6/27 LOVE this one  

 We taste tested these today…Lay’s Crispy Taco potato chips!!! We all agree they are tasty and taste like ground beef tacos. I picked these up at The Wal-Mart in Marana.

Max’s Good News Story from Mon. 06/24….

Here’s the wildfire, new truck story from today’s Good News ……/california-wildfire-hero-gives-t…

Shannon’s Good News Story from Mon. 06/24…..#GoodNews Save the Baby Ducklings!…/how-youtube-helped-this-firefighter-s…/

An interesting way to display a lot of pennies….

Granger Smith and his wife in an emotional video on the passing of their son River.  Grab a kleenex or 5>>>>

From Thurs. 6/20…Shannon’s Good News Story (it’s a tearjerker grab a kleenex)….…/article_d7ccd4d2-928b-11e9-9fd8-73c3…#GOODNEWS 

Mon. 6/17>>>>  Shannon talks about a little girl who wants to be called Alexa….

Baby thinks "Alexa" is her name because of Amazon Echo

Little 7-month-old Caroline's parents use their Amazon Echo so much she thinks "Alexa" is her name 😂

Posted by ABC7NY on Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Wed. 6/12>>> Luke Combs gets invited to join The Grand Ole Opry..

BREAKING: Luke Combs has just been invited by Craig Morgan, Chris Janson, and John Conlee to become the newest member of the Grand Ole Opry!

Posted by Grand Ole Opry on Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Shannon’s Good News Story from Mon. 6/10….

From Fri. 6/7….So sad to hear about the passing of Granger Smith’s youngest child River.  Prayers for The Smith family….

From Mon. 6/3…When your kitchen has a ‘gator in it ……/meet-kitchen-alligator-018435

So, Shannon has these crazy filters on her phone and this what happened today (Fri. 5/31)….

Aren't, Max, Shannon and I adorable!!! Shannon Black and her filters.

Posted by Brett Miller on Friday, May 31, 2019

Q:  CONGRATS to Vonda for winning $1250 with our 7:10 payoff question THANKS to Hughes Federal Credit Union!!! WOW $1250. Here is the question>>>  Ray Harroun won the very first Indianapolis 500, but Ray also invented this item that every car has.  What is it? A: Rear View Mirror!!!! Wednesday’s jackpot is back to $50.  Good luck!!!

 Celebrating #RedRoseDay (Thurs. May 23rd 2019)….help somebody when you can.

Here is Porkchop’s Good News story (Wed. May 22, 2019) about a former janitor in a hospital who got his Nursing Degree…..

Here is Shannon’s Good News story from today (Friday May 17, 2019) about Cinderella’s Closet Tucson….

Here is Shannon’s Good News story from this morning (Thurs. 5/16/19)…little guy did it!!!  Here is the link….

Here is the story we talked about yesterday (Monday 5/13/19)  The Swiss Movie Theater that replaced their seating with double beds…here is the link

Here’s your 2017 Diamondback concession guide! Enjoy! Click here to see the menu 

Coach Miller was interviewed on our sister station, SportsRadio 1290 yesterday … Cat fans, check it out!  Click here to hear the interview>>>

Whoa, that’s a big chicken!  Click here to see the huge chicken>>>


Ina Road at I-10, including the east and westbound I-10 on and off-ramps at Ina Road, will close beginning 1 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 15, for approximately two years.
The westbound I-10 off ramp to Orange Grove Road will close to traffic on Wednesday, Feb. 15. Traffic will shift to the Sunset Road ramp. This will stay in place for approximately two years.
ADOT crews will shift eastbound I-10 traffic to current westbound I-10 lanes by Friday, February 17.
ADOT crews will shift westbound I-10 traffic to the current westbound I-10 frontage road by Friday, February 17.
The eastbound I-10 frontage road is now a TWO WAY street between Gillette Road and Star commerce Way with two separate stop signs.
Westbound I-10 between Sunset and Cortaro roads will narrow to one lane from 9 p.m. Friday, Feb. 17 to 5 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 18, for striping.
Eastbound I-10 between Twin Peaks and Orange Grove roads will be narrowed to one lane from 9 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 18, to 5 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 19, for striping.

Believe it or not …click here to read the story>>>

Check out the expression on this guys face …click here to read the story>>>

MY (Shannon) Good News Story Today (1/27)-I could barely tell it fighting back tears….click here for the story>>>

Here’s the link we were talking about to get free chips and guac’…click here for the story>>>

Here is the link to find out more about the local ‘Night to Shine’ event that Shannon talked about in her “Good News” story from today (1/26)….click here to read more>>>

Here is Max’s good news story from today (1/26)….Here’s the info on our “Cowboy to the rescue”!  Click here to read the story>>>

Shannon’s good news story from today (1/18)  click here to read the story>>>

Here’s the high tech doctor office experience we were talking about …click here for the story>>>

More good news … Here’s a look at the Utah Dad’s project we talked about.  Click here to read the story>>>

GOOOOOOOOOOD NEWS STORY!!!!!  Click here to read the story and see the video>>>

Do your kids get an allowance? These allowance numbers were a big surprise to us …click here to ready the story>>>

Taco Bell has done it again!!!  So what do you think? Are you in?  Click here to read the story>>>

Hot sauce lovers, listen up … Is YOUR favorite here?  Check out the list here>>>

Oooooo kaaaaayyy … This looks weird … Joseph Finnes is playing Michael Jackson.  Click here to see the trailer>>>

We guess this is what all the “cool kids” in Hollywood will wear to THEIR ugly Christmas sweater parties … click here to read more>>>

Yes … I guess it’s a real thing …click here to read the story>>>


Do you want to lift your spirits? Fire up the oven!  Click here to read more>>>

Here’s the holiday cocktail we were talking about … You “crafty” people can figure this out for your Christmas parties! Click here to see the link>>>

Cuteness alert!!!  Click here to see the video>>>

Here’s a link to check out all the new Apple emojis….Click here for the link>>>

Service animals are not just dogs … If flying stresses you out, try to route your next trip through San Francisco.  Click here to read the story>>>

Here is the video of man vs kangaroo….oh it happened!!! .click here to see the video>>> 

Here’s the skinny on the BEST Black Friday/Thanksgiving “door buster” deals!!!  Click here to read the deals>>>

What!!!  Oreo is about to own the candy aisle, too!!  Click here to read the story>>>

When, Garth accepts a challenge….well…let’s just say this happened!!  Click here to see the video>>>

puppies2 The Sanctuary Project Black Labs up for adoption ! Free Coffee and Pet a Puppy to Destress!

finalpppOur last MSP Presidential Preference Poll for this election and STILL no call from the polling “geniuses” at the cable news channels! This “Honk & Vote” technology is cutting edge science!!! Porkchop went to the east side today and here are your results! Remember to vote on Tuesday!

I guess just being 70 years old and running a marathon wasn’t tough enough … Let’s see, what would make it harder? Oh yeah, try running in a 20 foot tall Eiffel Tower costume!!!  Click here to read the story>>>

I guess just being 70 years old and running a marathon wasn’t tough enough … Let’s see, what would make it harder? Oh yeah, try running in a 20 foot tall Eiffel Tower costume!!!    Click here to read the story>>>

So is the the world’s prettiest dog … or a groomers nightmare?  Click here to read the story>>> 

Here is the link from Shannon’s “Good News” story from today (10/24)… here for the link>>>

Here is the link to Shannon’s “Good News” story from today (10/19)….click here for the link>>>

I (Max) hadn’t been out to Tanque Verde Ranch in a long time and forgot how cool that place is! They’re planning a very cool event with craft beer, great food and a ranch experience … check it out! Click here to find out more>>>



Max, Shannon & Porkchop got to chat with GARTH BROOKS in Dallas on Thursday, October 13 – and they had a blast! Check out a little piece of their interview with Garth below, plus some photos! 

CLICK HERE to watch some of MSP’s interview with Garth.



landscape-1474564004-index-homesick-candles Homesick?  Maybe you know someone who would enjoy a little “whiff” of home…click here to read the story>>>

lvl-bandIs this something you would buy for yourself, family or friend?  Click here to read the story>>> 

ppap_3This has taken over the internet (for whatever reason).  It may get stuck in your head.  Click here to see the video>>>

forever-country-logo-cropped Here is the video for “Forever Country”….click here to see the video>>>

forever-country-logo-cropped Who sang what line in the “Forever Country”  song?  Click here to read the story>>> 

richrod LOWELL STEVENS FOOTBALL FACILITY U of A Broadcast… Greg Byrne, Coach RichRod, and Wendell Neal

gvpppHere’s the latest update of our MSP Presidential Preference tracking poll … This time we sent Porkchop to Green Valley!

4yearold  Here’s some good news….You’re never too young to have a giving heart!!  Click here to read the story and see the pics>>>

fluffydog Gotta love an organization called “Big Fluffy Dog Rescue”….click here to read the story>>>

We know you’ve been waiting to see our latest Presidential Preference Tracking Poll … We sent Porkchop to the Grant & Tanque Verde intersection Thursday morning … One “honk” for Trump, two “honks” for Hillary and here are your results:


LUNCH YOU MUST READ THIS NOW God Bless Us Everyone GOOD NEWS STORY of the Day… here to read the story>>>

Joel Hicks celebrates winning the men's title in the 8th annual World Gravy Wrestling Championships at the Rose n Bowl Pub in Bacup, north west England on August 31, 2015. Contestants must participate in fancy dress and wrestle in a pool of Lancashire Gravy for 2 minutes whilst being scored for a variety of wrestling moves. AFP PHOTO / OLI SCARFF (Photo credit should read OLI SCARFF/AFP/Getty Images)

mcloven-the-stud-muffin-thumb  Here is the story we talked about this morning…weird/wacky pet names for 2016.  Click here to read the story>>>

GRANGER Here is the complete tweet from Granger Smith that I talked about during our Good News segment.

prespoll2Here are the weekly tracking results of our MSP Presidential Preference “Exit” Poll…..Chops was at Craycroft & Golf Link this week. 

This giant pearl could be the biggest ever found in the world - after being handed in by a FISHERMAN. See SWNS story SWPEARL; The man, who has not been identified, found the priceless 34kg gem ten years ago in sea off the coast of Palawan Island, Philippines. He didn't know the potential eye-watering value and kept it as a 'good luck charm' in his rundown wooden home. But a fire at the property earlier this year forced him to have a clear out and move house. To paraphrase Samuel L. Jackson….”What’s under YOUR bed?”  Click here to read the story>>>


GRAMBLING Here’s a little taste of the Grambling State Marching Band we talked about…they are coming to Arizona Stadium on Sept. 10th as they take on our Cats!!!  Click here to see the video>>> 

screen_shot_2016-08-23_at_12.35.59_pmThe video of Shannon’s Good News Story….click here to read the story>>> 

HT_Pat_Brocco1_MEM_160708_4x3_992  Get ready to be inspired!  This guy lost over 300 pounds…by walking to Wal-Mart!!!  Click here to be inspired>>>

safe_image Reba is selling her house….anybody interested???  Click here to read the story and see the pics>>>

WHIRLPPOL  Here’s the “Good News” story that Max talked about….the school doing laundry for the kids to improve attendance.  #Good News click here to read the story>>>

polevaulter  Here is the GOOD NEWS story that Shannon shared on the air this morning….click here to read the story>>>

GRANDMABEERPONG How will you celebrate YOUR 100th birthday!!!  Click here to see the fun video>>>

PRESPOLL  So here’s the updated results of our very scientific “Presidential Preference Exit Poll” … for the past 3 weeks we’ve been sending Porkchop out once a week to set up along a busy exit ramp (or street), to ask people to honk their horns either once for Trump or twice for Hilary. We’ve switched the honking votes from week to week in the interest of fairness, and Chop has a sign that tells the passing drivers how to vote. Here is the rolling results of this very scientific process … and we still can’t believe that ‪#‎FoxNews‬ or‪ #‎CNN‬ hasn’t asked us for our weekly results!

kidbehindreporter  Nothing keeps kids from being kids….very funny.  Click here to see the video>>>

header Drinking out of your water bottle is less sanitary than licking the toilet seat!!  Check this out>>>

trashedstore Wanna earn a quick $3000…ID this crook!!!  Click here to see the video>>>

walmartmonkey So, the headline said “Diaper wearing monkey attacks Wal-Mart employee”. You gotta look right???  Click here to see the video>>>  

SCRIBBLES A terrible combination….Roomba + dog pooh = disaster.  Click here to read the story>>

BwdopsoCMAAaoUm  Here’s the info on that Harry Potter book we were talking about…click here to read the story>>>

DISNEY  Here is the story we talked about this morning….Disney’s “Main Street Electrical Parade” will be heading to Disneyland.  Click here to read the story>>> 

Ronnie-Dunn-1-191x127  Here is the video we talked about this morning.  Ronnie Dunn’s mothers reaction to his new song “Damn Drunk”.  Too funny!!!Click here to see the video>>>

CpYjKqaUEAAhNMT Check out some of the “Phelps Face” memes we were talking about!  Click here to read the story>>>

300px-Grace_Coolidge_with_dogs_crop Here’s the list of Presidential pets we talked about with our 7:10 Payoff Question this morning … $1,500 on the line Wednesday morning!  Click here to read the story>>>

blood-alcohol-test  Here’s the tat we were talking about that checks your blood alcohol level….click here to read the story>>>..

Leroy_Black.2e16d0ba.fill-735x490  Does this seem odd to you, too?  Click here to read the story>>>


TB-Cheetos-Burrito Check out the latest from Taco Bell….click here to read the story>>>

22-bourbon-burger.nocrop.w536.h2147483647.2x Crocodile Dundee would agree!!!  A burger with a shot of bourbon….click here to read the story>>>


Reba-TrishaImpersonation  Too funny….Trisha Yearwood impersonates Reba!!!  Click here to read the story and see the video>>>


51yozBolCCL._SY355_  This could save you a LOT of trouble and $$$…click here to read the story>>>


graham-car-crash  People are not really “designed” to be in car crashes//but what if we were?  How different would our bodies be?  A LOT!!!  Click here to read the story>>>


SLEEP  This is a BAAAAD place to wake up!!!  Click here to read the story>>>


DBACKS  If your heading to a D’ Backs game check out the new “family size” treat….click here for the story>>>


Jerry-Greer-Obituary  Information on Craig Morgan’s son Jerry’s visitation, funeral and where you can make a donation if you wish.  Our prayers and thoughts with Craig, his wife Karen and kids.  Click here for the story>>>


TAJMAHAL Check out a COMPLETELY different view of some of the most famous tourist destinations in the world….click here to read the story>>> 


landscape-1467994327-dogs  Another option for folks looking for a rescue here to read the story>>>


920x920  How about a great “feel good” story out of Texas… here to read the story>>>

NERF  Here’s the ultimate Nerf gun we were talking about….click here to read the story>>>


GARTHSHANNONTRISHA  SOOOOOOOO THIS HAPPENED!!!!!! Took Me 27 YEARS!!! CHOP Made it HAPPEN !! OMG!!!! ‪#‎GarthBrooks‬ ‪#‎TrishaYearwood‬ ‪#‎BucketList‬


roomba-beer-pong  Here’s the “Roomba Pong” video we were talking about!  Kick your 4th of July party up a notch!!!  Click here to see the video>>>


julyzombies  What are we celebrating on the 4th of July? A guy named Mark Dice went to the beach for a little history pop quiz … sad! You guys would all do better … right? Happy Independence Day!!!  Click here to see the video>>>


daddaughterpics  So here’s the Dad’s response to his daughters picture posting….click here to see the pics>>>

john-cena-20160630_A032116E67B34EA28DA9EA713CCA1FF8 WWE star John Cena pranks some unexpected fans!!!  Click here to see the video>>>  


PEACOCKGIRL  There are people with WAAAAYYY too much time on their hands…BUT they come up with some funny stuff!!  Click through the photo-shopped pix>>>


UGLYDOG This is the world’s ugliest dog….should we say congratulations???  Click here to see the pics and read the story>>>


wife_ad_t400 The next time your kids tell you that you’re embarrassing them, show them this story!     Click here to read the story>>>


381464 Free hot dogs?  Is your name Frank or Angus?  Are you willing to change it? Click here to read the story>>> 


mac-n-cheetos-box Yes, please….(don’t read the nutritional information) Burger King’s new “Mac n’ Cheetos”.  Click here to read the story>>>


SHANNONNEPHEW Shannon’s nephew…first day and last day of kindergarten!!! Priceless


636021117982094000-summercamp-1466209886161-3151200-ver1.0-2_3253213_ver1.0  C’Mon…sounds pretty good, right!!!  Click here to read the story>>> 


stealataco  Free taco?  Yes, please!!!  Find out where… here for the story>>>


gramma Here is the crazy virtual reality video we talked about….click here for the video


BIGPIZZA  Here is the BIG pizza we talked about this morning!!! It is 54′ x 54′ and weighs 50 lbs. The challenge is to eat it with up to 9 friends in a certain time limit to win $$


cuddlingdoggie_4632959_ver1_0_640_360 Child cuddling with neighbors dog….so cute!!!  Click here to see the video>>>>


smearedFunny, funny video of some brother and sister love… here to see the video>>>



Bird-with-poor-understanding-of-golf-steals-and-bounces-ball Silly bird in Brazil…..that’s not an egg!!!  Click here to see the video>>>>


ALASKA Max and Shannon’s 2016 Alaskan Cruise with our great listeners…..Click here to see the pics>>>>


A Burger King Whopper hamburger is arranged with french fries for a photograph in Tiskilwa, Illinois, U.S., on Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013. Burger King Worldwide Inc., the second largest fast food hamburger chain in the world, is scheduled to release quarterly earnings on Feb. 15. Photographer: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Facebook wants to get involved with your lunch…Burger King on Facebook!!!  Click here to read the story>>>


LADIES Good Morning!!!  Here’s Real Life for you….LOL  Click here to see the pics


images Too funny….the video of the angry baby!!!  Click here to watch video>>>


CieAm5WUoAEfIzxA helping heart is great, but mix in a little good judgement.
 Click here to read the story 








This is like the Turducken of candy!! Chocolate candy, stuffed with peanut butter candy and more candy pieces!!!  Click here to read more>>>


tornado Their prom picture is more interesting than your prom picture….click here to read and see the picture>>>


phonepic  Their is an app for EVERYTHING!!!  Click here to read the story>>>


KUST Here is the Keith Urban/Steven Tyler video from a couple of years we talked about this morning on the show.  Click here to see the video>>>


bait-665098This is an amazing story of fishing buddies!!!  Click here to read the story>>



dogAmazing life span, but if you’ve ever lost a pet you gotta feel for this guy! The world’s oldest dog passes away.  Click here to read the story 



McDonaldsFriesNot here and not YET … but is this the first of many!!!  How about all-you-can-eat McDonald’s french fries?  Click here to find out more>>>


logoThe Pima County Fair starts today and runs through the 24th.  Don’t forget KiiM-FM Day on Saturday the 23rd with the rodeo, Clay Walker and LoCash.  Get all the information on the Fair….click here to find out more>>>


images Here is the video we talked about this morning about the girl and the Zombie Apocalypse….too funny.  Click here to watch the video>>> 



lottery-ticketToday’s 7:10 Payoff Question … “A couple of years ago people were asked what they would do if they won the lottery. #1 on the list was start a business … what was 2nd?”  Click here to read story>>>


baby hair Gotta love a baby with better hair than most news anchors! A lady posted this on Reddit …





Ballpark food….this is NOT on your diet!!  Click here to read the story>>>


PARTYHere’s the story we talked about this morning….Wait a scholarship for what?  A scholarship for booze!!!??  Click here to read the story>>> 


splash2 Angry Woman unhappy husband won’t ride Splash Mountain ride….
Click here to read story>>>


abc_ginger_marla_geraldo_as_160307_16x9_992The new “Dancing With The Stars” cast of celebrities has been revealed for the new season….Click here to see who’s dancing>>> 


CLOSECALL  Close call!!!  You gotta be heads up when watching the game.    


dierks-bentley-hotel-room-acm-awards-hosting-pep-talk-2016-03-01-1k Dierks Bentley “prepares” for the upcoming ACM Awards!!!  And don’t forget to be listening for your chance to qualify for a VIP trip to the ACM’s.  Click here to see Dierk’s video>>>>  



  Have it your way….but this is ridiculous!!!!  Here is the story we talked about this morning regarding Burger King and special orders in Japan. Click here to read>>> 


GROUPON Here is the Groupon information for the Kenny Chesney “Spread the Love Tour” tickets in Phoenix at Chase Field!!!   Click here for more ticket info>>> 



tr_snapfitness2Ladies you can thank us later for posting this!!!  It has been all over Facebook….so here is Thomas Rhett doing some pull-ups. Click here to watch>>> 




gallery-1455660347-gettyimages-510508358 Here is the article we chatted about this morning the fur nails….btw yuck!!!  Click here to read more>>>




LOL….NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt, Jr. photobombs fellow drive Kevin Harvick during interview!!!

 Click here to watch>>> 





CLYDESDALEFans of the Budweiser Clydesdales will have several opportunities to see the world famous hitch today and this weekend. The following are times and locations of appearances the hitch will make in Tucson: 

  • Feb 18, 3 p.m. – Full Hitch Appearance, Davis Monthan Air Force Base
  • Feb 19, 4 p.m. – 4:45 pm – One Horse Appearance, 8000 Block of S. Houghton Rd
  • Feb. 19, 5:15 p.m. – 6 pm – One Horse Appearance, 9200 Block of S. Houghton Rd
  • Feb 20, 1:30 pm – Full Hitch Appearance, Rillito Horse Track
  • Feb 21, 1:30 pm – Full Hitch Appearance, Rillito Horse Track

Happy Valentine’s Day from Max, Shannon & Porkchop!

Check out the video below to peek into Shannon & Chop’s “romantic” speed date from Friday, February 12th. Having issues viewing it? that’s ok – you can watch it HERE.



hqdefault  Here is the video of Andy Griffith talking to Cam Newton…..

Click here to see it>>>






GEM  The  62nd Annual Tucson Gem and Mineral Show is in town!!!

Click here for more info>>> 






file0001080709093 (1)91st Annual La Fiesta de los Vaqueros

Tucson Rodeo safety procedures have changed…

Click here to learn more about rodeo safety>>>





football-party-iStock_000018068140Small5 Dangerous Foods for your Furry Friends during the Big Game

Watch Your Pets During the Big Game…

Click here to ready more >>



brittoncolquittBaby Super Bowl seat $1800

Britton Colquitt forced to buy Super Bowl ticket for newborn daughter…

Click here to




FOOTBALLSuper Bowl 50 Commercials

See all the Super Bowl 50 commercials…

Click here to see them >>




Hughes-Federal-Credit-Union-LogoCONGRATS to Pat for winning $550 with our 7:10 payoff question THANKS to Hughes Federal Credit Union!

Click here to see previous 7:10 Payoff questions >>


Awesome story and video we shared this morning.  LOVE this!

A World War II veteran will travel to Australia to reunite with his wartime girlfriend after more than 70 years apart. Norwood Thomas, 93, of Virginia Beach will travel to Adelaide, Australia, next month to reunite with 88-year-old Joyce Morris…

Click here to



Rascal Flatts The Joint Las Vegas FEATURE IMAGEDid you miss our interview with Rascal Flatt’s Gary LeVox?

 If you did, check it out right here >>






USA 2006 - 78th Annual Academy Awards. Closeup of giant Oscar statue at the entrance of the Kodak Theatre.; Shutterstock ID 1055218; Usage: web; Issue Date: n/aIs Your favorite Actor or Actress Nominated for an Oscar?

Oscar nominees for the 88th annual awards were announced live from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences headquarters in Beverly Hills. 

Click here to


Great to chat with Jobe Repola and Dan Marries about Grills Gone Wild VI coming up on Saturday Jan. 23rd.  Hope to see you there.  The ribs are delicious by the way!!!

Click here to



Brooke-sample-the-grindListen to our interview with ‘American Idol’ contestant and Tucsonan Brook Sample

Click here to listen >>


Cactus Dave’s Desk


Porkchop’s Desk Before


Porkchop’s Desk – In Progress


Porkchop’s Desk – After!


This guy’s response to what he would do if he won the Powerball is PRICELESS.


Box content
